Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

My novel....

I've writen a few novel and some of them is the type of a fanfict but kind a change it a little (Never going to publish this one)....
My first novel is... World Agency... it still on going... (Kind a lazy, and still waiting for inspiration)...(#^^#)...

Magix Princess is my second novel, and kind a being suspent because I want to rewrite it again... (the second time)...(*^ - ^*) ...

My third novel, and one of my favorite, Life's Treasure... I make it Two part... the first one I already finished it (Thank God)...\(^ O ^)/ ... and just starting to write the second part, (hopefully didn't take much time)...(^_~)...

My four novel was actually already finished, My Light, Your Light... if you want to read it you could download it at 4shared....(^_~).... but the story might not be so good.... (=_=)...

My fifth novel, Call AnD (it spell A and D, not and)... (” ~ “).... And I just write it... But since I have a lot of inspiration I think I could finish it fast, (the first book though, (^ O ^)...) and this is my second favorite novel....

My last novel, would be call For You... It's on the middle chapter and I really... really hope I could finish one of them.... (x_x)...

But hey, who said being or writing novels would be easy... wish me luck... 

This is the Life's Treasure Cover.... Well, the first book cover actually... (*^-^*)...

And this is the AnD (It's A and D, not and) First book's cover.... (^O^)....

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